1. Organisation in Living
Learn what forms tissues and organs and know some examples.
2. Cell Structure and Function
Learn the names and functions of some of the structures found in plant and animal cells.
โครงสร้างและหน้าที่ของเซลล์ |
3. Plant Cells
Learn the names and functions of structures found in plant cells.
เซลล์พืช |
4. Specialised Plant and Animal Cells
Understand how different cells are adapted for their functions.
เซลล์พืชและเซลล์สัตว์ที่มีลักษณะเฉพาะ |
5. Specialised Cells in the
Breathing System
Understand how different cells are adapted for their functions.
เซลล์ที่มีลักษณะเฉพาะของระบบทางเดินหายใจ |
6. Preparing Slides of Plant Cells
Learn how to prepare a slide of onion cells.
การเตรียมสไลด์เซลล์พืช |
7. Preparing Slides of Animal
Learn how to prepare a slide of human cheek cells.
การเตรียมสไลด์เซลล์สัตว์ |
8. Using a Microscope
Learn how to use a microscope correctly.
การใช้กล้องจุลทรรศน์ |
9. Cell Fertilisation
Learn that fertilisation in humans and flowering plants
is the fusion of a male and a female cell.
การปฏิสนธิของเซลล์สืบพันธุ์ |
10. Organ Systems
Understand that different organs work together in an
organ system, and learn the functions of different organ
systems in the human body.
ระบบอวัยวะ |
11. A Balanced Diet
Learn the names and sources of food types needed in a balanced diet and the different uses of food in the body.
อาหารสมส่วน |
12. Malnutrition
Learn about malnutrition and give some examples of diseases caused by malnutrition.
13. Food Tests
Learn how to carry out chemical tests to identify starch, sugar, protein and fat in food samples.
การทดสอบอาหาร |
14. Digestion Experiments 1
Learn that enzymes digest foods so that they can be absorbed into the blood.
การทดลองเกี่ยวกับการย่อยอาหาร 1
15. Digestion Experiments 2
Understand that enzymes work best at a specific pH.
การทดลองเกี่ยวกับการย่อยอาหาร 2 |
16. Enzymes and Digestion
Learn the properties of enzymes and know that some enzymes are involved in the digestion of foods.
17. Egestion
Learn that water is reabsorbed from undigested food in the large intestine before it forms waste faeces that are egested.
การขับถ่ายกากอาหาร |
18. The Female Reproductive System
Learn the structure and function of the female reproductive organs.
19. The Male Reproductive System
Learn the structure and function of the male reproductive organs.
ระบบสืบพันธุ์เพศชาย |
20. Puberty
Learn that changes in hormone concentrations result in the development of secondary sexual characteristics at puberty.
21. The Menstrual Cycle
Learn about the changes that occur in a woman's body during the menstrual cycle.
รอบประจำเดือน |
22. Sexual Intercourse
Learn what happens during sexual intercourse.
23. Human Fertilisation
Learn that fertilisation is the fusion of the egg and sperm nuclei, and know what happens to the egg after fertilisation.
24. Pregnancy
Understand the functions of the placenta and amniotic fluid during pregnancy.
25. Birth
Learn what happens during the birth of a baby.
การคลอด |
26. Respiration
Learn that aerobic respiration is a chemical reaction that occurs in cells to release energy from glucose. Learn the word equation that represents it.
27. Comparing Respiration and Burning
Understand the differences between aerobic respiration and burning.
การหายใจและการเผาไหม้ |
28. Adaptations of the Alveoli
Understand how the lungs are adapted for efficient gas exchange.
29. The Respiratory System
Learn the structure and function of the respiratory system.
ระบบหายใจ |
30. Mucous Membrane
Learn how the mucous membrane lining the respiratory system helps to prevent infection.
31. Gas Exchange
Learn that gas exchange is the absorption of oxygen from the air into the blood and the removal of carbon dioxide from the blood.
การแลกเปลี่ยนแก๊ส |
32. Experiments to Compare Inhaled Air and Exhaled Air
Learn how to compare inhaled and exhaled air.
33. Differences between Inhaled and Exhaled Air
Understand the differences between inhaled and exhaled air.
ความแตกต่างของลมหายใจเข้าและลมหายใจออก |
34. Breathing
Learn how the lungs are ventilated by breathing.
35. Chemicals in Cigarette Smoke
Learn some effects that the different chemicals in cigarette smoke can have on the body.
สารเคมีในควันบุหรี่ |
36. Effects of Smoking on the Lungs
Learn how smoking cigarettes can damage the breathing system.
37. The Circulatory System
Learn the names of the different types of blood vessels, and that substances are exchanged between the blood and cells at capillary walls.
ระบบการหมุนเวียนเลือดในร่างกาย |
38. The Heart as a Double Pump
Learn and understand that the heart is a double pump.
หัวใจ : เครื่องสูบฉีดคู่
39. Temperature and Enzymes
Understand how temperature affects enzyme activity.
อุณหภูมิและเอนไซม์ |
40. pH and Enzymes
Understand how pH affects enzyme activity.
41. Structure of the Heart
Learn the basic structure of the heart.
โครงสร้างของหัวใจ |
42. Composition of the Blood
Learn the components of blood and understand that many substances are transported dissolved in the plasma.
43. Defence Against Disease
Understand how microbes can enter the body and how the body tries to prevent this from happening.
การป้องกันการเกิดโรค |
44. Micro-Organisms
Learn the different types of microbes that can cause disease.
45. White Blood Cells
Learn how the white blood cells defend the body against disease.
เซลล์เม็ดเลือดขาว |
46. Blood Plasma
Learn about some of the substances transported in the plasma.
47. Transport of Gases
Learn how oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported around the body.
การลำเลียงแก๊ส |
48. Vaccines
Learn that immunisations and medicines can be used to help the body fight infections.
49. Photosynthesis
Learn that plants make food by photosynthesis and the word equation that represents it.
การสังเคราะห์ด้วยแสง |
50. The Role of the Leaf in Photosynthesis
Learn that the leaf is the organ where photosynthesis occurs and understand how it is adapted for its function.
51. Rate of Photosynthesis
Learn how to measure the rate of photosynthesis and understand what factors affect it.
อัตราการสังเคราะห์ด้วยแสง |
52. Testing a Leaf for Starch
Learn how to test a leaf for starch.
53. Experiments to see if Chlorophyll and Light are Needed to Make Starch
Learn that chlorophyll and light are needed for a plant to make starch.
การทดลองเพื่อแสดงให้เห็นว่าคลอโรฟิลล์และแสงมีความจำเป็นในการผลิตแป้ง |
54. The Uses of Glucose
Learn that the glucose made during photosynthesis can be respired or changed into a variety of chemicals by combining with other elements.
55. Plant Mineral Requirements
Understand that nitrogen and other elements, in addition to carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, are required for plant growth.
ความต้องการเกลือแร่ของพืช |
56. Water and Mineral Salt Uptake
Learn that root hair cells absorb water and mineral salts from the soil, and understand how they are adapted for this function.
57. Differences Between Photosynthesis and Respiration
Learn the differences between photosynthesis and respiration.
ความแตกต่างของการสังเคราะห์ด้วยแสงและการหายใจ |
58. Plant Organs
Learn the names and functions of some plant organs.
59. Organ Systems at Work
Understand that different organ systems work together in a healthy organism.
การทำงานของระบบอวัยวะ |
60. Interdependence
Learn how different organisms within a community depend on each other for their survival.
61. Habitats
Learn how different habitats have different features which determine the organisms that can live there.
แหล่งที่อยู่ |
62. Studying Habitats
Understand the observations and measurements that need to be made when studying a habitat.
63. Adaptations and Survival
Learn how different organisms are adapted to survive in their habitat.
การปรับตัวและการอยู่รอด |
64. Seasonal Changes in Population Size
Understand how some organisms are adapted to survive seasonal changes in their habitats.
65. Competition for Resources
Understand that plants and animals will compete with each other if resources are limited.
การแก่งแย่งปัจจัยในการดำรงชีวิต |
66. Population Size
Understand that the size of a population depends on the resources and space available, predators and disease.
67. Sampling Technique
Learn different methods of collecting animals in the wild.
วิธีการเก็บตัวอย่าง |
68. Using a Quadrat
Learn how to use a quadrat to estimate a plant population size.