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We're sure you and skoool will have a special learning chemistry!

Chemistry is about what things are made of, how they react with each other and how they change when they come together. React with skoool and revise the way you study Chemistry.



1. Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases
Learn the properties of the three states of matter.


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2. The Particle Theory
Learn how to use the Particle Theory to explain the properties of solids, liquids and gases.



3. Change of State - Water
Understand what happens when a substance changes state.


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4. Melting and Boiling Point
Understand what happens, in terms of energy and particle movement, when a substance changes state.



5. Metals
Learn that elements vary widely in their physical properties and understand how the properties of elements can be used to classify them as metals.



6. Non-Metals
Learn that elements vary widely in their physical properties and understand how the properties of elements can be used to classify them as non-metals.




7. Uses of some Elements
Understand how the properties of some elements relate to how they are used.



8. Structures and Bonding
To know that elements combine through chemical reactions to form compounds and that compounds contain different elements that are chemically bonded together.



9. Reaction of Metals with Oxygen and Water

Learn how different metals react with oxygen and water and know how to name the products and identify patterns in these reactions.


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10. Reaction of Metals with Acid

Learn that metals react with acid to produce salt and hydrogen and find out how to test for hydrogen gas.




11. Displacement Reactions
Understand why more reactive metals will displace less reactive ones from their compounds.


12. The Reactivity Series of Metals
Understand how the reactivity series of metals can be determined by considering their reaction with oxygen, water and acid, and learn how to use the reactivity series to make predictions about other reactions.




13. Acids and Alkalis
Learn how to use indicators to classify solutions as acidic, alkaline or neutral.


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14. Making a Salt using an Insoluble Base

Learn how to prepare a neutral salt sample from an insoluble base.




15. Making a Salt using an Acid and an Alkali

Learn how to prepare a neutral salt sample using an acid and an alkali.



16. Uses of Salts
Learn some of the uses of different salts.




17. Acid Base Reactions

Understand how different bases react with acids and write word equations for the reactions. Learn how to test for carbon dioxide gas.



18. Everyday Neutralisation Reactions
Learn about everyday neutralisation reactions.




19. pH Scale
Learn that pH is a measure of the strength of an acid or alkali and how to interpret the colours of universal indicator solution.



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