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We're sure you and skoool will have a special learning chemistry!

Chemistry is about what things are made of, how they react with each other and how they change when they come together. React with skoool and revise the way you study Chemistry.



1. Group 0 Elements - Properties and Uses

Group 0 Metals - Properties and Uses, Trends within Group 0, Noble gases reactivity

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2. Group 1 Metals - Properties and Reactions

Introduce Group one metals (Alkali metals) and their properties. Show the reactions that occur between group one metals and water - Explain why group one metals are called the Alkali Metals - show the products of reactions with water. Highlight trends with group - "one electron in the outer energy level" etc. expalin why some group one metals are more reactive than others.

องค์ประกอบและปฏิกิริยาของโลหะ กลุ่ม 1


3.Group 7 elements - Properties and Reactions

Introduce group seven elements (the halogens) and their properties. Show the reactions that occur between group seven elements and solutions - Explain why group seven are called the the halogens. Highlight trends within group seven- "seven electrons in the outer energy level" etc. expalin why some group seven elements are more reactive than others. show the bleaching ability of the halogens with dyes such as litmus.explain what is meant by diatomic molecules

องค์ประกอบ และปฏิกิริยา กลุ่ม 7


4. Group 7 Formation of Halides

Explain how Halogens react with metals to form compounds called halides. Halides are part of a family of compounds called salts. The word halogen means salt maker. Halogens react with hydrogen to form covalent molecules called hydrogen halides

กลุ่ม 7-การสร้างตัวของเฮไล

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